4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry

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4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry
Children’s ministry is so rewarding but like all ministries, it can also be very demanding. Ministering to more than a handful of children each week can be wearing, physically and spiritually, no matter how much you love Jesus. Add in personal struggles, personal relationships and other stressors and you have plenty of reasons to walk away from ministry. I know it’s hard. I’ve been working with kids for almost twenty years. How many times have I said, “That’s enough. No more.” More than a few, I promise you. So no condemnation from me!
Let me say before we go any further that there are legitimate reasons to leave ministry. Sometimes you just have to take a break. I highly recommend regular sabbaticals! However, there are times when it’s the enemy who’s pushing and pulling on you. (Yes, he’s still on the job, looking for whom he might devour. 1 Peter 5:8) Even if you aren’t struggling with sin, you can still be a target of his discouragement. You might be wondering, “Why should I stay in children’s ministry?” I can think of at least four reasons for you to stay in children’s ministry.
1. You are making an eternal impact on a child’s life.
What you do is immeasurable. It can’t be measured by a man–only God sees the extent of what you do. If you stay in children’s ministry, you’ll make an even greater impact!
2. You’ll be a better student of the Bible.
Naturally curious, children will make you study. “Why did Samson’s hair make him strong? What color was his hair? Did he really wear it in a braid?” Serving children will force you to know the word for yourself.
3. Children’s ministry reminds us to be humble.
I’ve seen kids giveaway their prizes, snacks and even their own shoes to someone who needed them or asked for them. Children are God’s perfect examples of compassion and sharing. We all need those kinds of examples. No matter how old we get.
4. You have something to offer.
Your unique life experiences, your views, your heart is like no one else’s. God’s love, filtered through your hands and feet can change the world.
You can do it! We need you!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

17 thoughts on “4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry”

  1. Thank you so much for this article. I am the children’s ministry leader at my church, have been for about 4 years, I have been thinking and praying about resigning my position.
    This article has helped me to make a decision to stay and hang in there a little longer, I do love working with the children, the hard part is getting enough volunteers to help teach our little ones about Jesus.
    I realize that it is not about me, it’s all about the salvation of our children and the Lord has promised to supply everything that we need to teach our children about him.
    Thank you again.
    Shirley Hope

  2. I was up really early this morning, praying about our Children’s church program. For 2 years, I have been Children’s church director. I didn’t feel that I should take the position last year but at the last minute I did. This year, God strongly told me not to take the position but so far no one has stepped up to do this.
    I decided this summer to get others involved in Children’s church. Since May 31, I have had “Children Church team members”. I have had a few people help out and the ones that have helped and led the program have been excited with what we have done with our children. I feel that God has led us to share what we, as adults, know with our young children. Too many times the kids miss out on learning from the older adults in the churches.
    Like I said earlier (my kids say that I write a book when I talk and type), I have been praying for a few hours about our church and the kids programs. We are a small church and getting people to commit to something is so difficult. We have a church wide prayer program called “Adopted Grandparent/Grandchild Prayer Program” were an adult 18 and up commits to praying for a child in grades 1st-6th during the school year. They only get to pray for this child–no gifts are allowed. I give them all cards to mail a few times a year to their “grandchild” and the children did make a few things for their “grandparent”. It made a difference in both the grandchild and grandparent. But, so far this year, I have very few that have signed up to do this.
    You do get discouraged occassionally when you work with children. Not just the rowdy behavior (which is typical in children), the lack of interest in people that should care, and the searching for the right material to use can pull you down. I know that satan uses so much to keep us from being used by God. It is prayer that is the key. Knowing that God wants us to listen and do His will is what is important. He even speaks and confirms what He says through places like your article on fb.
    Guess I can sum everything up by saying–Thank You. Your article encouraged me and confirmed what I heard from God this morning. I still don’t know who will be led to the Children’s Church Program but God does. I am excited about what God is about to accomplish through our church and our members. 🙂

  3. This website is awesome! I love it! Iam a youth Sunday school teacher and recently been appointed children’s church leader and this information is awesome and has been a great help to me.
    Thank you!

  4. Great article. I thank God for the information that I recently got from you. As a worker with children for over 40 years it is not easy to find material that can keep the children’s interest along with sound biblical teaching. I belong to a large organization that claims more than 5 million members and they do not even offer material like what you have put out here for free. Again I thank you!

  5. What I think is great about this link is that you are not doing it for your own glorification or for your church’s. You seem to be doing this for the glory of God. I know that because of your willingness to share so much free. I am always looking for new ideas and better ways to tell stories to children. Thank you for your willingness to share. I am comforted as a result of your good articles. Thanks also for being transparent with your struggles.

  6. Totally agree. Children they are so special, no matter what lives they may live. Yes with them there’s a lot to learn and as a person who has been serving the children for the past 14 years, I’ve something knew. To laugh with them, to cry with them, to pray with them, to play with them. I philosophy is that: “If we adult we don’t teach the children of today what is right, what legacy are we leaving behind.”
    I have copied to the article to share with my other peers serving the children’s ministry.
    Keep up the good work.

  7. Thank you for this encouraging word. I work in a Children’s Home for orphans and destitute. After 10 years, I want to walk away. Yet, each morning I wake up thinking of one child or other. I suppose, I can’t walk away from what God has destined for me. His love spurs me on. Once again, thank you for sharing your ministry with us.

  8. I’m so glad to have this article, it is timely and encouraging. I have been in the children’s ministry for the past 2 years and recently have been thinking of quitting not because I don’t love children but because of lack of volunteers/sponsors who will provide the necessary assistance needed to facilitate the children’s programs. But with your article, I’m encouraged and will do more.
    Thanks for your help

  9. I must say thank you for those words of encouragement,for me too have being struggling with this decision,i was assistance children ministry director and now they have appoint me as children ministry leader,seriously i don’t think i am worthy of that office but who am i to tell God what to do.this is my confirmation to go therefore and teach the children the word of God.Lord i surrender to you all.

  10. i really amaze when i started in children ministry….and I thank God for this article it helps me to go on and persevere by God’s grace in children ministry.’it’s not about for myself but to glorify God who redeem us……

  11. I’m so thankful to have this kind of article. i’m a volunteer teacher in a home foundation. I handle primary kids. They like the materials I gave. It’s awesome! The stories are very simple to understand. Thank you and more power to your web site. God bless !

  12. GBY thank u for your message of encouragement I am a Sunday School teacher of bilingual background ( Hispanic ) my group consists of about 14 students of ages 4-9 they are so eager to learn and come up with tough questiones and with the different ages it becomes overwhelming but at the same time there is a fire inside of me the don`t allow me to quit because……after reading your article I realize that one day I will have to explain to my Creator what I do with His Treasures so thank again for your words of encouragement
    Than you
    From Rosa

  13. Thank you so much for your article and God Bless you. I love kids and have been doing Adventurers, VBS, and children’s Sabbath school for the last 3 years. It has been very difficult to not only get volunteers and leaders for these programs but there seems to be little interest in what happens with the children. Current teachers are not interested in changing or improving a church children’s program. I have backed out of these programs a great deal. However recently my pastor asked me to be children’s ministry leader, we do not have such a position. After reading your article, I have changed my position and decided to return full time despite the obstacles. Our children are the future, As Jesus said “Who will I send, Who will go? If not I then who. Thank you

  14. Great lesson. Severally i have tried to walk away from the children ministry
    but he keep using people to encourage me.
    Thank you, my faith is strengthen again.

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