3 Ways to Tell the Christmas Story

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Oh the Nativity! What a magnificent and detailed story we have about God’s love for mankind. It’s a narrative that deserves reverence and a more than a half-hearted, annual re-telling . As children’s ministers, it’s our awesome job to share this wonderful tale of love to our children with as much excitement as we can. Honestly, there are tons of ways you can tell the Christmas story but this year, why not mix it up a little. Share the story several different ways so everyone “gets” it. This year, I’ve created some new ways (at least to me) to present the glory of Jesus’ birth.
The Nativity in a Box: For this option, you need an inexpensive nativity set, some wrapping paper, tape and scissors. While you read Luke’s recounting of the Christmas story, pause and invite children to open the pieces one at a time. Explain how each piece fits into the narrative. Take your time and don’t rush through the verses. Once the story is over and the nativity scene is set up, give it a place of honor in your classroom or children’s church.
Tell the Story With Some Songs: In one session of your Sunday School, tell the Christmas story by singing songs. Before you sing songs together, give a brief narration from the Nativity. Songs like “Away in a Manger” and “Come All Ye Faithful” are great ways to explain how the angels gave the message of Jesus’ arrival. Continue on with “We Three Kings” and talk about the magi who followed the star to find the Lord Jesus.
Tell the Story with Candles: Before class, tape paper images of the key characters on to the front of the candle. (Jar candles work best!) As you tell the Nativity, light up the character’s candle. When the story is complete, all the candles will be lit. Do be sensitive to kids’ allergies though. Lighting up twelve scented candles can overwhelm the senses.
Enjoy these ideas for telling the Christmas story in Sunday School.
Visit Mimi’s blog Tools for Kids Church for more ideas on teaching.

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