25 Messages for Easter Eggs

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messages to put inside easter eggs
Planning on hosting an Easter egg event this year? Handing out prizes (and all those eggs) is great but why not add some messages. During the plastic egg stuffing process, tuck in a mini message to encourage your kids, teens and adults. I’ve got 25 messages I plan on typing, printing and tucking inside my Easter eggs this year. What fun to get a treat and to read something nice! Some are instructionall messages that require kids to activate their faith. Try these or write your own.

  1. Shout, “Jesus is alive!” .
  2. Sorry. Your prize melted. (Just kidding!)
  3. God sees the good things you do too.
  4. You are loved by God.
  5. You are more loved than a chocolate bunny!
  6. Peeps make everything better, don’t they?
  7. God puts the prize in us.
  8. From the cross, to the grave, to the sky.
  9. Share your candy with someone smaller than you.
  10. Give an egg away.
  11. Ask someone how to get to the cross.
  12. Sing, “Jesus Loves Me!”
  13. Love your neighbor–it’s the Golden Rule.
  14. Wave your hands! God can see you!
  15. Whisper, “Thank you God for Easter!”
  16. Hop to the next egg.
  17. Shout, “Hosanna! Hosanna!”
  18. Ask someone to tell you the Easter story.
  19. Look for a cloud shaped like a cross.
  20. Give a new friend a piece of candy.
  21. Share an egg with Mom or Dad.
  22. Spin aroud and say, “Happy Easter!”
  23. Give a little kid a high five!
  24. Leave an egg where someone small can find it.
  25. Ask Jesus to live in your heart. He lives!

Don’t forget to make the print large enough to be seen and use an eye-friendly font. Print “You are a winner!” on the back of some of the slips and have extra prizes ready to give away. By doing this, you’ll make sure that kids (and adults) read them.
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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